Mirror Mirror on the wall..
5 questions to help you get to know yourself better
The start of every self discovery/ healing journey begins with a choice. A choice to take a moment from all of the distractions of your daily life, and open your eyes to what is going on inside your head and in your heart. For that breath of time you will become an observer. Do so with curiosity and no judgment, for we are here to learn and grow and heal, and that's best achieved through kindness. These Questions will help you on this path, whether you're just starting it, or you've been walking it for a while.
For these exercises, answer on a piece of paper what comes up even if it doesn't make complete sense. Ignore neatness and grammatical errors. No one but you will read it. No one will criticize or judge. It's time to be brutally honest with yourself.
1a) One day you’re walking through a park, and as you do so you find a bench to sit and enjoy the sunset. When you look over you realize you are sitting next to yourself. Observe yourself for a while. Do you like yourself? Are you okay with who you are? List the things you're content with and those you're not. Think of who you are in every aspect of your life- in your career, interactions with others, self talk, habits, at home, at work/school.
1b) Was your initial response to this question based on your looks or your personality? Which do you give the weight of importance?
2) Is there anything I do or say that doesnt feel quite like me?
3) Am I important to myself? How do I prioritize my well being?
4) Dissect an unhealthy habit you have. When did it start? What needs does it fulfill?
5) Face a mirror, take 3 deep breaths and look yourself in the eyes. Sit with yourself, observe yourself with kindness, and ask yourself, what is it that I do not want to see? What is the first thing that comes to mind?
The journey to self discovery and healing is a winding road. It requires you to handle yourself with honesty and gentleness. It requires understanding and love as you heal old hurts and move forward from trauma. This is just the beginning. For more guidance book a session through the website
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